Thursday, May 05, 2011

Being Together

I've had the great opportunity to spend a week with two of my sisters and my Father and Mother punctuated by a good bit of time with one of my nephews who is at the cusp of starting a new life. I may blog a bit later about those luminous moments when we are choosing the road ahead. I've got more to say about that subject.

But for this moment, I want to focus on the fact that for me, even when I've spent much hectic and strained time with those who love me most, I always crave more time. I crave more real time when I'm rested and at my best with my children, with my wife, with my parents, and with my siblings.

Last night I was in a praise and worship service between my older sister and one of my younger sisters. There was a moment as we were singing that I thought, this is what Christian community and family should be. These people love me and stand around me in support. They wish me the best. They have my best interests deep in their hearts. They hear me. I hope that I am replicating that in my family, but I'd also love to share this sort of love in some sort of intentional community. It is the best of what family and church ought to be. How do you replicate that?

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